Prof. Dr. Sebastian Junge

Lehrstuhlvertretung für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Unternehmensführung
Sebastian Junge vertritt den Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Unternehmensführung am Institut für Management. Er studierte und promovierte an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Mannheim, dem Indian Institut of Management in Bangalore und der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. In seiner Forschung beschäftigt er sich unter anderem mit Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und Wahrnehmungen von Führungskräften, dem Innovationsverhalten und Resilienz von Unternehmen sowie Nachfolgeprozessen von Familienunternehmen. Seine Forschung erscheint in renommierten Fachzeitschriften wie dem Journal of Management oder dem Journal of Management Studies.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie auch auf der Website des Lehrstuhls.
- Bauer D., Reif T., Junge S.:
One concept to bind them: An exploration of the search fund phenomenon
In: European Management Journal (2025)
ISSN: 0263-2373
DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2025.02.007
- Dötschel E., Junge S.:
Preserving the intangible legacy: The handover of social capital in intra-family and non-family succession
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Bath (UK)) - Dötschel E., Junge S.:
The legacy of intangibles: The transfer of social capital in intra-family and non-family succession
Academy of Management (AOM) conference, Chicago - Hoßnofsky V., Junge S.:
We lead you through this!? Strategic leaders’ narcissism and organizational resilience in the context of Covid-19
13TH EIASM WORKSHOP ON TOP MANAGEMENT TEAMS AND BUSINESS STRATEGY RESEARCH (Passau, Germany, 6. Juni 2024 - 7. Juni 2024) - Junge S., Graf-Vlachy L., Hagen M., Schlichte F.:
Narcissism at the CEO–TMT Interface: Measuring Executive Narcissism and Testing Its Effects on TMT Composition
In: Journal of Management (2024)
ISSN: 0149-2063
DOI: 10.1177/01492063241226904
URL: - Reif T., Hoßnofsky V., Junge S., Riefolo M., Ahrens JP.:
Navigating succession: Unveiling predecessor preferences for successor attributes in family firms
Academy of Management (AOM) (Chicago, 9. August 2024 - 13. August 2024) - Reif T., Hoßnofsky V., Junge S., Riefolo M., Ahrens JP.:
Passing the torch: Investigating predecessor preferences for desired successor attributes in family business succession
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Bath, 26. Juni 2024 - 28. Juni 2024) - Schlichte F., Junge S.:
The concept of entrepreneurial opportunities: a review and directions for future research
In: Management Review Quarterly (2024)
ISSN: 2198-1620
DOI: 10.1007/s11301-024-00466-5
URL: - Su W., Hoßnofsky V., Junge S.:
Beyond politics: How organizational political ideology shapes organizational resilience through exploration in the face of Covid-19
European Academy of Management (EURAM) - Fostering Innovation To Address Grand Challenges (Bath, United Kingdom, 25. Juni 2024 - 28. Juni 2024) - Su W., Hoßnofsky V., Junge S.:
Red or blue survival of Covid-19: Organizational political ideology, exploration, and resilience
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - Innovating for the Future (Chicago, Illinois, United States, 9. August 2024 - 13. August 2024) - Su W., Hoßnofsky V., Junge S.:
The red or blue escape route: Does organizational political ideology affect organizational resilience?
40th EGOS Colloquium - Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Place and People (Milan, 4. Juli 2024 - 6. Juli 2024)
- Bauer D., Junge S., Reif T.:
May the resources be with you: a systematic review and framework of startup funding options
In: Management Review Quarterly (2023)
ISSN: 2198-1620
DOI: 10.1007/s11301-023-00336-6 - Dötschel E., Junge S., Guthmann T.:
Location is everything: Explorative and exploitative learning, non-scale free resources, and firm performance of German companies
In: Journal of Business Economics (2023)
ISSN: 0044-2372
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-023-01163-7 - Dötschel E., Junge S., Hoßnofsky V., Stengl J.:
CSR engagement and social media evaluation – Evidence from S&P 500 (family) firms
Europen Academy of Manegement (EURAM) Conference (Dublin, 14. Juni 2023 - 16. Juni 2023) - Dötschel E., Junge S., Hoßnofsky V., Stengl J.:
Does CSR engagement influence social media evaluation in (family) firms? Insights from the S&P 500
International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) (Krakau) - Hagen M., Su W., Junge S.:
60th birthday of ‘A Behavioral Theory of the Firm’: a review of the relational concepts and recommendations for future research
In: Management Review Quarterly (2023)
ISSN: 2198-1620
DOI: 10.1007/s11301-023-00369-x - Junge S., Luger J., Mammen J.:
The Role of Organizational Structure in Senior Managers' Selective Information Processing
In: Journal of Management Studies (2023)
ISSN: 0022-2380
DOI: 10.1111/joms.12918 - Su W., Junge S.:
Unlocking the recipe for organizational resilience: A review and future research directions
In: European Management Journal (2023)
ISSN: 0263-2373
DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2023.03.002
- Bauer D., Reif T., Junge S.:
Who is the Chosen One? – A Systematic Literature Review on the Core Concepts of Family Firm Succession
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Winterthur, 13. Juni 2022 - 17. Juni 2022) - Bauer D., Reif T., Junge S.:
Your Path Lies Before You – A Review on Succession in Family Firms and a Way Ahead
Academy of Management (AOM) (Seattle, 5. August 2022 - 9. August 2022)
DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2022.16613abstract - Dötschel E., Junge S.:
(Non-) Founding Family Firms and Exploration – What is the Secret of their Viability?
Strategic Management Society (SMS) (London / UK, 17. September 2022 - 20. September 2022) - Dötschel E., Junge S.:
The Mystery of Survival – (Non-) Founding Family Firms and Exploration
International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) (Santander / Spanien, 22. Juni 2022 - 24. Juni 2022) - Dötschel E., Junge S.:
They shun to explore, but still survive – (Non-) Founding family firms and explorative orientation
Academy of Management (AOM) (Seattle / USA, 5. August 2022 - 9. August 2022)
DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2022.16930abstract - Dötschel E., Junge S.:
What is their secret? Family influence and a firm's relative exploration orientation
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Wintherthur / Switzerland, 15. Juni 2022 - 17. Juni 2022) - Reif T., Bauer D., Junge S.:
With Great Decisions Comes Great Responsibility: Reviewing the Core Concepts of Family Firm Succession
International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) (Santander, 22. Juni 2022 - 24. Juni 2022)
- Bauer D., Junge S., Reif T.:
Lifting the Curtain of Silence: The Discovery and Conceptualization of the Search Fund Phenomenon
International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) (Santander / Virtual, 14. Juni 2021 - 25. Juni 2021) - Bauer D., Junge S., Reif T.:
Why is there a Veil of Silence? The Exploration of the Search Fund Phenomenon
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Montreal / Virtual, 16. Juni 2021 - 18. Juni 2021) - Dötschel E., Junge S., Uhl J., Mader C.:
They should know how to succeed: Remote Work in the ICT Sector during the Pandemic
Wissenschaftsforum 2021 (Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule, 5. November 2021 - 5. November 2021) - Hoßnofsky V., Junge S., Graf-Vlachy L.:
If and Where: Environmental Antecedents of CDO Adoption
In: GI Lecture Notes in Informatics 2021
- Bauer D., Junge S.:
A new hope? How search funds may reshape family firm succession events
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Dublin / Virtual, 4. Dezember 2020 - 6. Dezember 2020) - Blunck D., Junge S.:
The bitter pill: Ambidexterity in the pharmaceutical industry
European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2020 (Trinity College, Dublin, 4. Dezember 2020 - 6. Dezember 2020) - Hagen M., Wittmann C., Mammen J., Junge S.:
Bitter sweet brightness: The impact of CEOs’ bright personality traits on corporate fraud
Academy of Management (AOM) (virtual, 7. August 2020 - 11. August 2020)
DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2020.19652abstract - Hoßnofsky V., Junge S.:
Securities Analysts’ Assessments of Firms’ ESG Scores over Time: Evidence from European Firms
Strategic Management Society (SMS) (virtual, 26. Oktober 2020 - 30. Oktober 2020) - Hoßnofsky V., Schlichte F., Junge S.:
Shades of green: Investigating new ventures’ attention upon sustainability and its impact on success
Academy of Management (AOM) (virtual, 7. August 2020 - 11. August 2020)
DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2020.19859abstract - Junge S., Graf-Vlachy L., Mammen J., Meinhardt R., Gudd C.:
The illusion of independence: Spun-off firms’ risk-taking as a function of status and attachment to the parent firm
In: Long Range Planning (2020), Art.Nr.: 101966
ISSN: 0024-6301
DOI: 10.1016/j.lrp.2020.101966 - Schlichte F., Hoßnofsky V., Junge S.:
Sustainability en vogue? Investigating founders’ characteristics and new venture success
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) (, 26. März 2020 - 27. März 2020) - Wittmann C., Hagen M., Mammen J., Junge S.:
Five shades of brightness: CEO personality traits and their influence on fraudulent behavior
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) (Paris, 26. März 2020 - 27. März 2020)
- Bauer D., Junge S.:
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Lissabon, 26. Juni 2019 - 28. Juni 2019) - Hagen M., Junge S.:
No matter what it takes: The influence of firms’ and CEOs’ goal attainment on corporate fraud
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) (Passau, 6. Juni 2019 - 7. Juni 2019) - Hagen M., Junge S., Heberlein L.:
Taking the dark path: The impact of firm performance relative to aspiration level on corporate fraud
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Lissabon, 26. Juni 2019 - 28. Juni 2019) - Hoßnofsky V., Junge S.:
Does the Market Reward Digitalization Efforts? Evidence from Securities Analysts' Investment Recommendations
In: Journal of Business Economics (2019)
ISSN: 0044-2372
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-019-00949-y - Hoßnofsky V., Junge S., Buechs T.:
Does the market reward sustainability efforts of European firms? The mediating role of financial intermediaries
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Lissabon, 26. Juni 2019 - 28. Juni 2019) - Junge S.:
Do Owners Act in the Interest of the Firm? The Influence of Institutional and CEO Ownership on a Firm’s Explorative Orientation
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Lissabon, 26. Juni 2019 - 28. Juni 2019) - Schlichte F., Junge S., Mammen J.:
Being at the right place at the right time: does the timing within technology waves determine new venture success?
In: Journal of Business Economics (2019)
ISSN: 0044-2372
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-019-00947-0
- Hoßnofsky V., Junge S.:
Does the Market Reward Digitalization Efforts? Evidence from Securities Analysts' Investment Recommendations
Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Erich-Gutenberg-Arbeitsgemeinschaft (EGA) (Cologne, 7. Juni 2018 - 7. Juni 2018)
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-019-00949-y - Junge S., Guthmann T.:
The geographical context really matters: Exploration‒exploitation, firm performance, and the geographical context of German companies
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Reykjavik, 19. Juni 2018 - 22. Juni 2018) - Meinhardt R., Junge S., Weiss M.:
The organizational environment with its measures, antecedents, and consequences: a review and research agenda
In: Management Review Quarterly (2018)
ISSN: 2198-1620
DOI: 10.1007/s11301-018-0137-7
- Junge S.:
Do Institutional Owners Lead Firms into Disaster? Institutional Owners and Exploration
Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 4. August 2017 - 9. August 2017)
In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2017
URL: - Junge S.:
Institutional and CEO Ownership and the Influence on Exploration‒Exploitation
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Glasgow, 21. Juni 2017 - 24. Juni 2017) - Junge S.:
The Influence of Institutional and CEO Ownership on a Firm’s Explorative Orientation
Strategic Management Society (SMS) (Housten, 16. September 2017 - 19. September 2017)
- Meinhardt R., Gudd C., Junge S., Mammen J.:
Do they really break free? Post Spin-off Firms' Behavior and their Attachment to the Parent
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Paris, 1. Juni 2017 - 4. Juni 2017) - Meinhardt R., Gudd C., Junge S., Mammen J.:
The Illusion of Independence: Spin-off Firms' Alignments to Institutional Expectations
Academy of Management (AOM) (Anaheim, 5. August 2016 - 9. August 2016) - Meinhardt R., Junge S., Mammen J.:
Environmental Uncertainty and Firm Performance: Narcissistic CEOs Can Bear a Helping Hand
Strategic Management Society (SMS) (Berlin, 17. September 2016 - 20. März 2022) - Meinhardt R., Junge S., Mammen J.:
Nothing Is as it Seems: Environmental Uncertainty Misperception and Firm Performance
European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Paris, 1. Juni 2016 - 4. Juni 2016) - Meinhardt R., Junge S., Mammen J.:
Uncertainty...The Only Certain Thing? Environmental Uncertainty and Firm Performance
Academy of Management (AOM) (Anaheim, 5. August 2016 - 9. August 2016)